Today in Kenya, 56 percent of the people earn less than a dollar a
day. Natural disasters, especially famines, are common in traditional
farming areas where survival depends on rainfall and good weather.
People in these areas become dependent on relief food, mostly from
non-governmental organizations, the article states.
Idaho Press-Tribune: What is your organization’s goal and how do you accomplish it?
Caring Hearts and Hands of Hope:
The problems of poverty and famine in Kenya are compounded by the
effects of HIV/AIDS. Over one million children are orphans due to AIDS.
This has led to the increased number of children having no one at all to
care for them. When both parents die, their future is lost.
Elementary school education is free in Kenya, but children who pass
the national eighth grade exams to join high school must pay tuition.
Unfortunately, thousands of needy boys and girls cannot amass the
necessary funds. Thus boys do easily turn to a life of crime, drugs or
alcohol while girls are in danger of turning into prostitution or being
forced to early marriage.
Providing handouts is a short-sighted approach. Educating the youth
is a long-term solution that will create a nation of educated
professional contributors.
- To help, please mail a check to Caring Hearts and Hands of Hope Inc. (any amount helps), P.O. Box 7152, Boise, 83707, or donate online at You can have Caring Hearts and Hands of Hope President Dr. Vincent Kituku come speak at your organization or school by calling 376-8724.
Related Reading: Books for Kids about Kenya and by Kenyan Authors.
One great sample from this list is Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain (Reading Rainbow Books). by Verna Aardema.
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